We have extensive experience both nationally and internationally providing speeches, workshops and consulting to parents, educators, professionals and industry. This includes the development and delivery of educational and outreach programs to a wide range of audiences.
For more information, please contact Dr. Cheryl Olson.
Sample presentations
2nd International Congress of Technology Addiction, keynote address, Istanbul, Turkey, 27 October 2013
Guns in America: Cultural Legacy. Brown University’s Janus Forum, Providence, RI, March 2013.
What the Tech? Guiding Kids in the Digital Age, Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica/UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, January 2012 (Olson)
5th Vienna Games Conference: Future and Reality of Games, October 2011 (Olson, Kutner)
PEGI Congress, Malta, November 2010 (Olson)
World Leisure Congress keynote address, ChunCheon, Korea, August 2010 (Olson)
Games for Health conference, Boston, MA, May 2010 (Olson)
Learning & the Brain: Enhancing Student Memory & Performance in this Distracted, Digital Age at MIT, Nov. 20-22, 2009 (Olson)
Consumer Culture & the Ethical Treatment of Children conference, Michigan State University, Nov. 12, 2009 (opening keynote, Olson)
Responsible Gambling Conference, Nova Scotia, Oct. 5-6, 2009 (Kutner)
3rd Vienna Games Conference: Future and Reality of Games, Austria, Sept. 25, 2009 (opening keynote, Olson)
Games+Learning+Society Conference, Madison, WI, June 2009 (Kutner)
Dr. Olson on X-Play (G4 Network), Dec. 2008
Penny Arcade Expo, Seattle, 2008 (Cheryl Olson)
American Psychological Association convention, Boston, 2008 (Kutner & Olson)
M.I.T. Comparative Media Studies, 2008 (Olson & Kutner) - listen to podcast
NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction, Las Vegas (Larry Kutner)
Montreal International Game Summit, 2008 (keynote - Kutner & Olson)
Iowa Governor’s Conference on Substance Abuse and Gambling, Des Moines (keynote, Larry Kutner)
See the authors on Showtime (Penn & Teller’s “Bullsh-t”)